How to Increase Flexibility Safely and Easily

Flexibility is one of the most desirable attributes a leader can have. A flexible mindset enables staff to take on more responsibilities and tasks while enabling leaders to focus on the more important work. As such, flexibility is necessary for both individuals and an organization as a whole.

However, too much flexibility results in burnout for team members and leaders alike because of the pressure to constantly be on their toes.

When employees are rushed from one task to another without sufficient rest or time off, it ends up creating problems for all parties involved. This article will guide you through some of the most common ways that organizations end up hurting themselves by increasing flexibility too quickly or decreasing it too slowly.

Add Too Much Flexibility At The Start

Some organizations think they can just “put it on” and allow employees to express themselves creatively and flexibly when it comes to their work. This often leads to overcommunication and over-commitment, which can in turn lead to inefficiency and increased turnover. To avoid this, start off the conversation with employees about how flexible they want to be and what their boundaries are. Ask them what they think their comfort level is and have that as the foundation for the rest of the conversation.

Make Employees Burnout Soon After

Only a minority of employees will ever reach a point where they become a burnout, but studies have found that a large majority of employees are at least concerned about it. If many employees feel overworked or overcommitted, it can indicate a need for increased flexibility. When a high percentage of employees are feeling overworked, it can be a warning sign that a management-level change is needed. If many employees are concerned about burnout, it’s a good sign and an indication that efforts to prevent it should be focused on increasing flexibility.

Create Barriers To Exit After High Conflicts

As employees move up in the organization, they start to see more and more situations where they may have to deal with conflict. When they are faced with too many conflicting obligations and tasks, it can be very difficult to choose the right one to focus on. This could lead to burnout, which is a real risk when one is under pressure to serve two masters. The best-case scenario is that the employee chooses which master they will serve best and then focuses on that. A less-than-ideal scenario is that the employee feels demoted and overwhelmed, which is when they are at their best to serve the company but not the people around them.

Decrease Flexibility Over Time

  • As employees move up in the organization, they start to see more and more situations where they may have to deal with conflict. When they are faced with too many conflicting obligations and tasks, it can be very difficult to choose the right one to focus on. This could lead to burnout, which is a real risk when one is under pressure to serve two masters.
  • The best-case scenario is that the employee chooses which master they will serve best and then focuses on that. A less-than-ideal scenario is that the employee feels demoted and overwhelmed, which is when they are at their best to serve the company but not the people around them.


  • Ultimately, managers need to remember that increasing flexibility can be a good thing, but that it shouldn’t be done without careful consideration. There is a fine line between being too flexible and being too rigid, and it’s important to consider your organization’s personality as you approach this issue. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes how to handling increased flexibility in your organization.
  • The right approach for one company might not be right for another. Depending on your company’s culture and size, you may be able to prevent burnout and save time and money by slowing down the process a bit. As your organization grows, more important it is to find the right balance between flexibility and structure.

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